Planning your visit or school trip
East Sussex Council offers an offsite visit services. The service provides:
- Advice on all aspects of offsite activities (including overseas, residential and adventure activities) in line with the Outdoor Education Advisor’s Panel (OEAP) National Guidance.
- Access to Exeant: A secure, online system that helps you plan and record your visits.
- Direct access to crisis management support on a pay as you go basis.
- Discounts on training.
State schools are automatically subscribed to the Offsite Visits Service. Academies, independent and free schools can chose to opt in: the Offsite Visit Service is charged at £1 per head per number on roll per year.
The benefits of Exeant
We recommend that all visits are planned and recorded using the ‘Exeant’ system. Exeant takes you step by step through the planning process, from the initial idea through to employer approval. It records all your visits electronically so no need for filing cabinets full of paperwork. You can produce reports of the number and types of visits taking place and is a valuable tool for accessing critical information in an emergency.
Access to the Exeant system also gives you direct access to several useful templates and additional supporting documents to aid the planning and delivery of offsite visits, including the ESCC policy for offsite visits.
Plan your school visit